made from a BIC ballpoint pen these little vases are hand blow-molded. As the plastic becomes flexible it stretches allowing the vase to sit naturally. by giffin’ termeer
yeah ofcourse, since the vase is actually done with the plastic part only and not the ink cartridge. you can already do your bit with recycling these pens, instead of buying a new one, you just get the ink cartridge and reuse the outer plastic part. :)
can you do it after the pen runs out? that would be a tres-cool way of recycling pens!
ReplyDeleteyeah ofcourse, since the vase is actually done with the plastic part only and not the ink cartridge.
ReplyDeleteyou can already do your bit with recycling these pens, instead of buying a new one, you just get the ink cartridge and reuse the outer plastic part. :)
i love it!!! tala be a good friend and make me one :D :D